Lauren Niu


Some random projects, big and small, if I ever remember to put them here.

The Ladies

A little sketch of the ladies, with a good old 24-pack of Crayola colored pencils. It’s been a long time.

Spherical Harmonics

Radial plots of the spherical harmonics always remind me of the Windows Flower Box screensaver, so I animated them in the same style using WebGL and THREE.js here. One day I’ll add hybridization and make the transitions look less stupid, but that day is not today.

Danny Gatton - Licks and Tricks

I attempted to tab guitar legend Danny Gatton’s Licks and Tricks for the Hot Licks Series. Still unfinished and not nearly 100% accurate, but hopefully it’s enough to get an idea of what he’s playing. As he said, though, it’s usually harder to play these slowly than to just play them fast.


Video Feedback Simulator

In an effort to learn some Javascript and WebGL, a friend and I put together a video feedback simulator based on lazy afternoons of holding a webcam up to a TV.

If you aren’t concerned about unleashing potentially bright, flashing, animated chaos, you can play with it here.

Here are some fun images we’ve made with it:

hummingbird lung


red spiders

electric zebra


holding hands

dear cantor


The animation features are mostly broken right now, but it’s more fun to find interesting states by hand anyway. Turn up the delay to get a mild turbulence effect of motion cascading down length scales, and put on some deep trance.


Boston Driving School

A long time ago, I drew some terrible comics to help me cope with the pathologies of Boston drivers – among other things.
